We are happy to register your domain name for you. The cost for registration
in .com, .org or .net domains, is $20. Enquire for the cost of registration
in other top level domains. With your domain registration, comes a free top
level page or web forwarding should you require it and free email.

Personal hosting provides a low cost non-commercial web site. For yourself,
your family or maybe a club this is the perfect solution to establishing a
web presence. Should you want to later expand the site either in size or
for commercial purposes the transition could not be simpler or cheaper! A
personal site makes a great present too!

We are happy to provide a simple parking or forwarding service, suitable for
reserving a domain for later use or redirecting a domain to another site.
This service is free with domain registration or $5 for previously
registered domains. Includes email forwarding.


Your personal site comes with free mail aliases and mail forwarding should
you need it. With your site you get;
- Up to 10 POP mail boxes - 100 Mb mail space.
- Up to 100 Mb Web space.
- Site access via ftp.
- Secure webmail access.


We are delighted to assist charitable and non-profit organizations. We can
offer negotiable discounts on nearly all our services.

We are happy to design your site for you, or offer advice and assistance if
you want to design your own. We will give you a fixed price based on your
site design before we start. We do not charge a per hour rate.
Click on "hosted sites" to see some of
the web sites we host. Included are samples of small business and webvert